Fertilizer & Weed Control Services in York, PA

Lawn Fertilization

Mike's PLC lawn care professionals utilize specialty-formulated granular fertilizers. Granular feed of lawns and premium turf grass proves time and time again to give the best and most consistent results over liquid applications. Liquids cannot control the release of nutrients. Lawn companies using spray equipment only need to treat your lawn 6, 7, or 8 times a season. Applications are normally priced per visit, so this is just driving up the cost of getting all the proper nutrients into your lawn. With granular feedings, we can control the percentage of product that is slow-release. This way, you get the benefits of quick green up and longer feeding duration. Because of slow release, more product is able to be applied during a single visit of the technician. This reduces the number of visits and saves the customer money. Lawn nutrient requirements are not all the same across the board, however, most lawns require 1 pound of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet of lawn. Liquid fertilizers cannot achieve this rate without a significant increase in the risk of burning the lawn. Granular products also allow product adjustments to be easily made in the field for each lawn rather than a large pre-mixed tank.

Weed Control

Weed control in turf grass almost always requires the use of liquid applied herbicide. However, pre-mixing generic weed control products in large tanks and wetting down the entire lawn is not the best approach. Repeatedly soaking the soil with products that may or may not all necessarily be needed to achieve desired results leads to the breakdown of important and beneficial microorganisms in your lawn. At Mike’s PLC, we only spray target weeds and problematic areas of your lawn that are in need. Using a higher concentration, lower volume spray configuration combined with wetting agents, we can use less herbicide, tack it to target weeds, and get the phenomenal results desired every time! Once good control is achieved in your lawn, you will see the desirable grass health improve as it is no longer competing for space and nutrients once taken up by unsightly weeds. Weeds will begin to shrivel and die 5-7 days from an application.

Tree & Shrub Fertilization

Plants can get sick, just like people, and just like people, different illnesses call for different medications. Lawns and shrubs have some common issues, like a cold, and others that are harder to recognize. Red thread, dollar spot, and fairy ring are common fungi in turf grass, while adelgid, mites, beetles, and blight on trees and shrubs can be the culprit. During regular visits to your property, the experts at Mike’s PLC will keep an eye out for anything alarming. Whether we are applying a lawn treatment, performing a custom lawn mowing, or mulching your landscape beds, we are always on the lookout for fungus, scale, disease, or insects that could pose a threat to your landscape investment. We will notify you right away of any findings and solutions so mature shrubs and ornaments are not lost. We have specialty products that can clear most issues in 3 or fewer visits.

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